Cote St Paul's

Cote St Paul's

Half Day includes:Room hireBreakfast PastriesOrange Juice & beverages1 serving of teas, coffees and biscuits AM or PMUnlimited complimentary filtered waterChoice of lunchesPens and PadsProjector and ScreenWifiFull day includes:Room hireBreakfast PastriesOrange Juice & beverages2 servings of teas, coffees and biscuits AM & PMUnlimited complimentary filtered waterChoice of lunchesPens and padsProjector and ScreenWifiDinner options are also available at Cote either in the private room itself or in our restaurant for a more informal atmosphere. There are also opportunities to upgrade your options for breakfast or offer your guests different beverage options throughout the day, so feel free to discuss your needs with our Events Manager, Lydia Gilson.Terms and Conditions· Rates are subject to minimum numbers of 15 delegates.· Day delegate rates apply to bookings between 8:00am and 6:00pm only. 

Cote St Paul's

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