The Hotel Astor

The Hotel Astor

There are meeting rooms with capacities from 20 to 200 people. The
Alcione and Ermione rooms are adjoining. The Tritone room along with
several other rooms, located in different floors, are available for
team work groups. There are also exhibition areas. The meeting rooms
area equipped with:
Adjustable air-conditioning and air changing system.
Natural light and electrically controlled shades.
Podium, flip chairs, fixed microphones and wireless microphones with and adjustable multifunctional amplication system.
Direction box for personalized sound, video and light system control.
Ground sockets with plungs predisposed for multiple connections to
internet, satellilte TV, videoconferencing, simultaneous translation,
video projectors with multimedia connectors and PC pugs available on
request in-site personalized video and sound filming tapes on VHS or
DVD recording.
Big screen (3x2,50 meters), laser-point pen, video recorder VHS and TV
moni-tor, overhead projector, flip chart, slide projector.
Hospitality desk, secretarial office available through the font desk.

The Hotel Astor

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