Holiday Inn Montpellier-Metropole

Holiday Inn Montpellier-Metropole has 7 well appointed meeting rooms
covering a total area of 360m² and provides a wide range of high
quality business services. Each room has the benefit of daylight
exposure and air-conditioning and is fitted out with up-to-date
equipment: microphones, sound equipment, VCR, TV monitor, overhead
projector, screens, paper-boards, etc.
With its 80 bedrooms, all air conditionned, the Holiday Inn welcomes
you in an authentic setting. Built in 1898, just a stone's throw away
from the Place de la Comédie and 0.2 km from the railway station,
Holiday Inn Montpellier-Metropole was once the residence of Queen Elena
of Italy and still preserves something of its comfort, charm and style.

Located in the heart of Montpellier it remains the cream of hotels in
the Herault region. With its interior garden, it is a verdant, tranquil
heaven which offers all the services of a 4 star hotel.From
the hotel, you can wander into the old districts, discover "La
Promenade du Peyrou", the prestigious "Jardin des Plantes", the
Antigone" district and the St. Pierre Cathedral. To be discovered
nearby: the Sète harbour and its water tournaments (30 km) the "Pavalas
les Flots" beaches (15 km), the "Grande Motte" (40 km) and the beauty
of "Saint Guilhem Le Désert" (35 km).

Holiday Inn Montpellier-Metropole

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